I am Mariia, the Founder of the Light of Healing Energy School.  Our mission is to help healers and Lightworkers like YOU tap into their unique healing gifts and abilities, activate what’s been already inside of you, and share with the world for the greater good of all.

Are you looking for a nationally and internationally recognized qualification that will allow you to start a professional healing practice?

Maybe you’re a coach, counselor, or complementary therapist who wants to add more value to your services, helping your clients achieve even better results?

Maybe you’re new to energy healing and feel the call to fulfill a higher purpose.

Whatever the reason, we both know the Universe has led you here for a reason.

The Light of Healing is a world-renowned Energy Healing School based in Charlotte, NC offering energy healing training courses and certifications online. At the Light of Healing we are blessed to share  practical, LIVE online energy healing certifications and trainings that are designed for you to receive a hands-on training under the LIVE guidance of a teacher to start your professional healing practice right after the class. When you are committed to your own healing and growth, you are best placed to act as a guiding light for others.

This is why the quality of your education is our priority when you choose to take us with you on your healing journey.

You’ve been called to heal. On some level, you’ve always known this…

Light of Healing

Amplify Your Innate Healing Gifts & Activate Your Divine Calling As A Healer

Your soul incarnated for this moment, and your personal healing journey is interwoven with your Higher Mission.
Your healing gifts — a natural part of who you’ve always been — can become your greatest contribution to personal and collective healing.

Whether you want to start by healing yourself first, or integrate Energy Healing into your existing body of work as a practitioner, coach, or therapist, or start a healing practice — you are at the right place at the right time.

As you engage in this essential work, your own healing will happen — clearing the way for your soul’s purpose to unfold…

Light of Healing

Are You Ready?

  • Are you ready to live your Higher purpose?
  • Are you ready to be empowered to heal yourself, your family, and your friends?
  • Do you feel called to help people?
  • Would you like the personal support from a successful Energy Healer to guide you as you develop your own energy healing practice?
  • Are you already a therapist, coach, yoga instructor, practitioner or medical professional and you’d like to offer more to your clients?

If you answered YES! to one or more of the above, you are at the right place at the right time!

Amanda Blaire
Amanda Blaire
Mariia is such an amazing, thorough, and thoughtful teacher. I took her 3 week Shamanic Practitioner intensive class. After each class, I was able to immediately apply the techniques she taught to my current energy healing business. I would highly recommend Mariia to anyone looking for thorough, streamlined learning.
Maria Taylor
Maria Taylor
I felt guided to share about my connection with Mariia and The Light of Healing. The work that Mariia is doing is phenomenal. She is a very gifted Healer and is empowering other Healers to step into their gifts. If you are feeling called to step into your authentic healing abilities, Mariia is a guiding light!
Beverly Olivares
Beverly Olivares
I have taken numerous courses with Mariiia, including Shamanic Healing, Metatron, Violet Flame and Akashic Records. Mariia has a way of getting the message across that is very inviting and comprehensive. You get a lot of hands-on healing exchange experience and leave each course feeling enlightened and ready to share it with the world. As a beginner or as a refresher course, I 100% recommend Mariia's teachings. Thank YOU Mariia ❣️
Yleana Puesan
Yleana Puesan
I have taken several classes and healings with Maria and I am very happy with the results. Last class was Metatron Healing Practitioner and the experience was extremely powerful. Maria is a great teacher and spiritual mentor with her dedication and guidance help us to enjoy this class to the fullest. I will suggest you to take some of her classes and healings and embark yourself to a journey full of enlightenment and awakening. Thank you Mariia!!!
Amélie Cristini
Amélie Cristini
I'm so glad I've found Mariia! I was seeking a trainer to pass my Reiki level 2 and 3, and she's been truly exceptional! She's a beautiful soul. The training has been emotionally intense, with a perfect balance between attunement, explanations, sharing and practise. It's been a truly wonderful experience. Mariia is available after the training to offer advice. I highly recommend her as both a teacher and healer!
Kim Martinez
Kim Martinez
Mariia is amazing! She takes the time to answer any questions and really is an amazing ray of light✨ I took her Metatron healing class and I’m so glad I did. Being a practitioner of Angelic and Usui Reiki plus a Holy Fire III Reiki Máster, I didn’t think this training would be so pivotal. Metatron healing is easily becoming one of my favorites. This Angelic energy is so high vibrational that I can instantly see a shift in my client’s energy after our session. Love Love Love this modality!!!
Mariia's beautiful teachings made me so confident with my healing sessions. Being certified with Violet Flame and Metatron courses from Mariia was an empowering experience and feelings. I love how Marria helps us get started on her Instagram page. She's very responsive and helpful with any concerns and I will definitely be taking her other healing classes. Thank you Mariia for your love support and your amazing teachings. Love and light 💜
Ankrit Chidakashi
Ankrit Chidakashi
Mariia is a fantastic teaching with the powerful gift of healing. I attended not only her akashic course but her reiki as well. Firstly her teaching methods are so hands on and practical that my innate gifts opened during the training! I am a hypnotherapist who has done past life work before but this training allowed me not only to tap in to other peoples past life but heal the life myself for them to see results. Its only been 2 weeks of practice and already the feedback from my healings are really positive. I will probably end up going back for the next reiki training. Its clear mariia has found her purpose as this is truly her gift - to create an army of healers!! If you have ever thought about taking a course don't hesitate. She has the ability to attune you to her frequency which will start to open your energy channels (All in 1 day!!!) thank you mariia, your truly a special person. keep shining!
Mariia is an incredible energy healing teacher! I have taken multiple of her classes now, namely the Violet Flame healer and the Akashic Records healer. I have been working with the violet flame for over 7 months since that class, literally using it daily and incorporating it into my own work with clients. It is literally life-changing! I had such breakthroughs recently after taking her Akashic Records healer class. I believe from the practice sessions we did with the other students, I cleared so much ancestral and past-life baggage and heaviness. I felt like a weight was literally lifted off my shoulders and chest, I felt 30-40% lighter in my voice alone, entirely!! After taking Mariia's classes you will probably experience such a deep purging as emotional blockages, past-life blockages, karmic patterns, are clearing for good. Mariia is such a beautiful soul and I am so, so grateful that I came across her page. She has given me a new confidence in my energy healing abilities, even though I have been doing it for some time. She is truly a POWERFUL energy healer and you can feel how your healing abilities are activated through her class. You can physically feel the energy moving, changing, and clearing... it's crazy! When I'm doing energy healing work now on myself or others, I don't question whether it's working or not, because you can literally FEEL it working! I have also gotten such amazing feedback from others using the techniques I've learned from Mariia's classes, and they give me updates and experience the same life-changing events after a healing session. Mariia is such a powerful teacher that she might be the only energy healing teacher you go to! I have been to a few reiki instructors but I have never resonated so deeply with a teacher as I have with Mariia's teachings. I recommend Mariia to everyone who is ready to become a healer and completely transform their life and the way they feel. Thank you Mariia!
kristen cross
kristen cross
I took Mariia’s Akashic Records Healer class and the energy was amazing! Mariia has a great wealth of knowledge and I also met an amazing group of healers!

The Light of Healing provides training at all levels and the classes are suitable for people who have only basic knowledge, through to those who wish to build on their experience of Spiritual and Energy Healing.

People can take the courses for many different reasons, including:

  •  To become a professional Healer;
  • To offer Healing to family and friends;
  • For self-development and personal growth.
Approved Training Provider
Certificate Energy Healing School | Training & Courses
Energy Healing School | Training & Courses
Energy Healing School | Training & Courses

The Aim Of The School Is To

  • Give you an internationally (and nationally in the US) recognized Certificate in Energy Healing
  • Give you the necessary tools and hands-on practice to start your healing career as a confident Energy Healer right away
  • Help you discover and develop your own healing gifts, and share them with the
  • World support your spiritual growth and healing
  • Teach you a range of energy healing methods and tools, that you can incorporate into your own personal healing and offer in your healing services for others

The Right Path For You

Our school has various ways of helping you heal, transform and elevate your consciousness.
Not sure which class is the right fit for you?
Schedule your FREE Connection Video Call to receive some guidance on your journey.

Energy Healing School | Training & Courses



 Hi, I am Mariia. I have been  practicing Energy Healing since I was a child. My father was an Energy Healer, Psychiatrist, Acupuncturist, and Hypnotherapist back in the 1990s. I watched as he used every facet of his abilities to help people. I remember witnessing people who had to be carried into a session find the strength to walk out after a session with him, without any help.When he passed, I left Energy Healing and drifted away from my own gifts. I then got my Master’s in Business Management and moved  to America in 2012. After realizing I needed a more holistic lifestyle and career, I became a Yoga Teacher.

In 2014, I was practicing yoga at the park and got bit by a tick. Little did I know how much that little bite would impact my life. I contracted Lyme disease but it went undiagnosed for years and was debilitating. On April 1, 2016, I was bedridden. My body was aching in pain, and I struggled to communicate with my family because I had so much inflammation in my brain that I could not even put the two words together. Any noise hurt my ears, the light hurt my eyes, and the disease destroyed every organ in my body. I had a hernia in my stomach that made the food come back up after eating, and I had to sleep seated in bed.

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Everything had fallen apart: my finances, my career, my relationships. I remember lying in bed hopeless, thinking, “Why am I even still alive?” The doctors put me on massive doses of antibiotics, but told me there was no cure. When I would ask: “Am I ever going to be able to live a normal life?” They said: “We don’t know where your cards will fall. The damage has been done.” But I knew there had to be a way to heal. I just needed to find it. And that’s exactly what I did. I became a Master Energy Healer and Reiki Master, through this, I was able to heal all the damage in my body that the doctors said was “impossible.” Once I was healthy again, I founded The Light of Healing, an Energy Healing School, and began teaching thousands of people around the world how to heal themselves and others to make a real difference in the world. I now know there is nothing “impossible” and that anything or anyone can be healed. I know when you learn the secrets and discover the power of Energy Healing you will find peace, health, and harmony in your life. I know I can help you in fulfilling your life’s purpose and share your gift with others who need it. Together, we can make a real impact not only on ourselves but also on the world by healing humanity. Together, I can teach you to Heal. Together, we can make a difference. Are you ready to discover the Power within you?

Mariia’s Credentials

  • Certified Master Healer with the OLHT Energy Healing School
  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner with WorkSmart Hypnosis
  • Certified Professional Hypnotist with International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Certified Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher with the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
  • Certified Holy Fire Reiki ® III Reiki Master
  • Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Druggless Practitioners