Online Reiki Level 1 Training and Certification

You are about to embark on one of the most rewarding and self-enlightening journeys of your life. The Reiki Training will significantly increase your intuitive and spiritual abilities and train you in many new skills and healing methods enabling you to both experience and share the gifts of healing and spiritual awakening with others.

  • Do you feel you have a Higher purpose in life?
  • Do you feel called to help people?
  • Do you have a spiritual healing calling, but are unsure if you can do it alone?
  • Are you ready to be empowered to heal yourself, your family, and your friends?
  • Would you like the personal support from a successful Energy Healer to guide you as you develop your own energy healing practice?
  • Are you already a therapist, coach, yoga instructor, practitioner or medical professional and you’d like to offer more to your clients?
  • Are you searching for a Reiki teacher to help you tap into your natural abilities and heal yourself and others?

If you answered YES! to one or more of the above, you are at the right place at the right time!

Online Reiki Level 1 Training and Certification

Reiki Level 1 Training And Certification –  $225

One Day Course



Saturday, November 2


Sunday, December 8

11 AM- 7 PM EST 

IN-PERSON – $255

 231 West Main Street, Albemarle, NC

Saturday, January 25

Multiple Payment Plans are Available

(PayPal, Afterpay, and more!) 

People can take the Reiki Course for many different reasons, including:

  •  To become a professional Healer;
  • To offer Healing to family and friends;
  • For self-development and personal growth.

If you’re searching for Reiki Training, you are at the right place at the right time. I offer hands-on virtual Reiki courses that will give you live guidance and teach you more than just traditional Reiki healing techniques. Most importantly,it gives you practical methods and the ability to practice. My goal for you is to become a skilled and confident healer, and start healing people right after the class.

On top of Traditional Reiki Techniques, you will learn tools and techniques from other Healing Modalities as well to amplify the Reiki energy and make your sessions even more powerful.

reiki in-person


There are a total of three levels in the Usui Reiki System. As a beginner, you start with Reiki Level 1.

Level 1 is a Reiki course that allows students to tap into their natural gifts and learn to heal. You will receive clear structure and guidance on how to give healing to yourself and others that is powerful and safe.

The first degree opens up your Healing Channels and allows you to channel Reiki for yourself and others.

The main focus for Reiki 1 students, is to learn to experience the reiki energy for themselves, through Self-Healing (although you will learn how to heal others as well). Attunement is followed by a 21-day chakra cleanse and self-healing.

Online Reiki Level 1 Training and Certification

What you’ll learn in Reiki 1 Class

  • What is Reiki?
  • History and Background,
  • Reiki Symbols,
  • Energy body and chakras.
  • How to work with the Reiki energy
  • How to make your sessions safe for yourself and your clients
  • Life-changing strategies for Empaths
  • Suggestions for Enhancing your Reiki practice: Crystals, Sacred Geometry, Sound, Oils, Music, Incense, and the Healing Setting
  • Self-Diagnostics and Self-Healing
  • Healing Protocol – step-by step guidance on how to perform a Healing Session
  • Clearing your energy before and after the session
  • Although many teachers give the first Reiki Symbol to their students only in Reiki Level 2, you’ll receive the CHO-KU-REI (the power symbol) in Level 1 – the way it has been passed on to me by my teachers. So you can start using it for clearing and healing immediately!
  • Chakra Diagnostics and Healing of others (usually you only learn it in the Level 2 Class, but I want you to start giving healings to others and practice right after Level 1 Class, and plus in level 2, I have so much more for you!) You will also exchange healings with other students.

Attunement will be given prior to the practice sessions.

Reiki Level 1 Certification


Grand Master Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Hayashi
Mrs. Takata
Arleen Green
Alice Jones
Mariia Tsegelnyk

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind the highest quality our trainings offer and that is why we can make this promise.

Our trainings and seminars are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

If, for any reason, you find you are not completely happy with the training, you can leave the class by lunch break for a full, complete and friendly refund.


Energy Healing School | Training & Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Does distant attunement work the same as an in-person?

In the Reiki Tradition (and not just Reiki, science has proven that as well) you can work with energy without the time and place restrictions. In the Level 2 Reiki, you will learn Healing Symbol for Distant Healing. Multiple Medical and Scientific Research shows that there is no time-space continuum when it comes to working with energy. And of course the best way to know is to experience it yourself J

How do I know if I am the Healer?

If you are here reading this, you ARE the Healer. Otherwise, you would be somewhere else doing something else. Not everyone is called to work with Reiki Energy, and because Spirit called you for a reason, and you are answering the Call.
I am an Empath. I am afraid to pick up other people’s energy in the class and in sessions with people, and I don’t want to give my energy to people.
First of all, we are NEVER giving our own energy to people in Reiki Sessions. We are channeling God’s energy through our bodies, and because of that it’s actually the opposite. Every time you give a healing, you receive a healing, so what happens is YOU feel BETTER after the healing session! We are going to cover three reasons why sometimes people may feel like they’ve lost energy in the session and how to not let that happen. We will cover life-changing strategies for empaths, that will shift your perception of this gift and you will learn how to manage it, and we will cover EVERYTHING you need to know for your safety and your client’s safety.

What if I don’t see anything in the sessions? What if I am not as advanced as other people in the class?

Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a psychic to take this class, and to tell you a little secret, before the class, the majority of people have exact same thoughts, as we are all beginners here. This is where we start. In the class, we will open up your psychic and healing gifts, I will be guiding you step-by-step, and usually, people are amazed by their own abilities that we discover and develop in the class, and it’s a lot of fun! It doesn’t even feel like a traditional class; you will feel like you are hanging out with friends in a loving, supportive atmosphere while learning a LOT and becoming a Professional Healer, confident in yourself and your abilities to heal.

Mariia’s Credentials

  • Certified Master Healer with the OLHT Energy Healing School
  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner with WorkSmart Hypnosis
  • Certified Professional Hypnotist with International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Certified Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher with the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
  • Certified Holy Fire Reiki ® III Reiki Master
  • Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Druggless Practitioners