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3-week intensive

We meet every Sunday

November 10, 17, 24

11 AM – 7 PM EST

LIVE Virtual via Zoom 


Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training

When The Spirit is Calling You…
Do you wish to guide others toward a spiritual journey and help them find true healing?
Do you feel called to heal: to provide spiritual healing and facilitate spiritual well-being on behalf of others?

If you feel drawn to working exclusively as a shamanic healer, or offering shamanic healing along with other Healing modalities (Reiki, Intuitive, Spiritual, and Quantum Healing, bodywork, etc.)
Shamanic healing is the answer if you want to treat people and change their lives.

Discover the ways to shift consciousness and lead those towards the spiritual realm of being, through the Shamanic Certification Training.

Everyone can learn Shamanism, integrate shamanic principles into their everyday life and journey into the spirit worlds for guidance, inspiration, and healing.
Shamanic healing is a sacred practice containing powerful tools
 that modern healer can use to effect profound transformation.

In this three-day or three-week intensive course, teaching shamanic techniques of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing, you will learn core shamanic techniques with which to heal yourself and others and open you to connect deeply with the Spirit.

I have been trained in multiple Shamanic Traditions, including the Cherokee, Navajo, and Huichol traditions. I have studeid Shamanism with Shaman Manin, Ron Lavin, and Sandra Ingerman. The Shamanic Healing tools and techniques that you will learn in the training are not from any specific tradition or lineage, they are ancient cross-cultural healing methods that have been used for thousands of years in many Shamanic traditions. What is interetsing is that when anthropologists began studying Shamanism, they discovered that shamans in cultures separated by thousands of miles and without knowledge of each other developed healing and ceremonial approaches that were almost identical.

This accredited course will help you integrate shamanic principles into your life and use the ancient shamanic techniques to help others heal on a deep spiritual level.

Online Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training


  • Learn about Shamanism and how shaman heals
  • Learn Healing techniques that are cross-cultural, multi-dimensional and work outside of time and space
  • Learn how to use feathers, crystals, tree sticks, flowers, leaves, drumming and rattling for healing
  • Learn to journey safely in the upper and lower world.
  • Learn shamanic healing chants
  • Learn sacred shamanic  breathing techniques
  • Learn the Medicine of the 4 Directions; South, West, North, East and the Sacred Elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether, and how to heal with each
  • Learn Shamanic Scanning
  • Power Animal Retrieval
  • Work with your ancestors
  • Learn how to clear the aura
  • Connect with your Spirit Guides
  • Learn Distant Healing
  • Learn how to take care of your energy
  • Learn Shamanic Shapeshifting
  • Learn Shamanic Chakra Clearing Techniques
  • Learn Father Sun Healing
  • Learn Gaia Healing
  • Healing with Spiritual Light
  • Learn multiple techniques of cord-cutting
  • Learn Past Life Healing
  • Learn Ancestral Healing
  • Learn Shamanic Extraction – an ancient healing art of ‘extracting spiritual intrusions’ or ‘misplaced energy’ from a person’s physical and/or ethereal body. Transmutation of these intrusions will be introduced and practiced in a safe way for both the practitioner and the client.
  • Learn shamanic Soul Retrieval. Soul loss occurs mainly through traumatic experiences. One may feel incomplete, fragmented, or disassociated from life and relationships with other people through this loss. We will explore in detail the causes, treatments, and effects of a Soul Retrieval on a client.
  • And many more healing techniques and teachings. 

The time to fully tap into the Power of the Spirit is here. Now more than ever, Mother Earth and her inhabitants need Shamanic Healers, ready to serve, and now you have this opportunity to gain access to the ancient wisdom and healing. Let’s dive into it!

Online Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training


Online Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind the highest quality our trainings offer and that is why we can make this promise.

Our trainings and seminars are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

If, for any reason, you find you are not completely happy with the training, you can leave the class by lunch break of the second day for a full, complete and friendly refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

I thought I needed to complete a year-long program in order to become a Shamanic Practitioner. Can I do it in three days or weeks?
This is not the regular training where we are meeting once a month for a few hours, this is intensive training. Meaning that materials that can be covered in one year (like it is done in many trainings) are taught and integrated in three intense days or weeks. It’s not for everyone. This is for people who “go hard or go home.” I’ve had experience teaching this program at a slower pace over a longer period of time and what can I say based on the feedback of graduates? The results are better when we completely and deeply immerse ourselves in Shamanism over a few days or weeks. You have a choice of what pace of learning works best for you. What I recommend for the three-day Intensive is to have the following day after the training off.:)
Do I need any specific tools for the training?
Yes, after you register you will receive a list of recommended tools for the training. The tools you can order prior to the training are only a Shamanic Rattle and a Feather (you can prepare the feather yourself, you’ll have instructions in the manual, or you can order).

The rest of the tools are free that you can get from the outside:
-Tree sticks (with them, we will be removing trauma and blockages from the body)
-Tree leaves or flowers
-Regular rocks from your backyard/beach/park

Isn’t it dangerous to remove trauma without training in the mental health field?
When we work with trauma in Shamanism we are not working with the mental aspect of trauma, because our job as Shamanic Practitioners is to remove the energy of the trauma. We are not making a person relieve the experience like in some forms of Therapy and Hypnotherapy. And the students also are given the Client Management Protocol to ensure the safety of both the practitioners and the clients.
Can I practice Shamanism if I am not from the Shamanic Ancestral Lineage?
What is Shamanism at its core? Shamanism is the universe, and it’s available to everyone. You don’t have to be born into an indigenous tribe living along the Amazon River or the Mongolian border to access the wonders of Shamanism in your healing practice. Shamanism is a direct personal experience of the Spirit. Everyone can create a working relationship with spirit in our personal lives and our healing practices for others.
The path of the shaman as a healer is truly a calling. However, everyone has the ability to use the tools of shamanic journeying to assist themselves and others in their growth and healing. We each have a heritage that has some form of shamanic practice in its roots. This ability is programmed in our DNA. As we become more attuned to Earth wisdom and the cosmic energies, we begin to re-awaken these skills that lie dormant within us and apply these skills to access the wisdom and support that lies within. And, as we explore this inner wisdom, we see that the path of the shaman is truly the path to Self.
Plus, if you are called to Shamanism, you’ve already been doing this work in your past lifetimes, and you might even remember them from the training.
Energy Healing School | Training & Courses
Online Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training
Online Shamanic Practitioner Certification and Training

Mariia’s Credentials

  • Certified Master Healer with the OLHT Energy Healing School
  • Certified Hypnosis Practitioner with WorkSmart Hypnosis
  • Certified Professional Hypnotist with International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Certified Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher with the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
  • Certified Holy Fire Reiki ® III Reiki Master
  • Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association of Druggless Practitioners